Month: February 2014

Hewlett Packard Case Study: Factory Five Racing

Our work with Hewlett Packard and SolidWorks goes back years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the new 818 would not have been possible without the integration of HP hardware and SolidWorks software.  Recently, the company completed a case study on Factory Five Racing and our use…Read More

Factory Five Customer Mark P.'s Awesome Mk4

Factory Five customer Mark P. shared on The Factory Five Forum the other day that his Mk4 Roadster was selected by the Gateway C-car Club as the Car of the Month! Mark received his Mk4 back in April of 2011, had his first start in September of 2012 followed shortly…Read More

Factory Five Community Grows in Puerto Rico!

I met Victor G. back in 2011 when he visited from Puerto Rico.  Victor had already built his Mk3 and had won a good number of car show trophies on the island.  Since he was visiting all the way from Puerto Rico, I spent the afternoon showing him around the…Read More