Month: October 2020

Art Q. Graduates His 818C Build!

Factory Five customer Art Q. from Indiana had been dreaming about building his own car since the 1960s. When he saw the 818 the other year, he knew that was the car he wanted to build. Art was looking for a project that allowed him to design and fabricate extras,…Read More

Texas Cobra Club Event – October 2020

This year, there have been very few car events due to the coronavirus, BUT the good people at the Texas Cobra Club held their Spring Cruise-In (delayed) in the Fall, and I was lucky to attend. Organizer Ken Walker spearheaded the four day event, which highlighted cruises each day, a…Read More

Hot Rod Drift Truck: Installing the Fuel System

Hot Rod Magazine's Mark Gearhart continues his Factory Five '35 Hot Rod Drift Truck in the pages of the storied publication. This is the sixth article in a build series. The Truck is completed, and the finished Truck will be tested in upcoming issues. The real question is whether or…Read More

F9 Hypercar Update – Fall 2020

Fall has arrived in New England, and despite the many challenges of this year and COVID-19, work has progressed steadily on the F9R Hypercar program. Here is an update: We have registered the F9, F9R, and F9E trademarks, and ensured that the IP of this exciting new design is protected…Read More