The accolades keep coming for the Factory Five 818! Simon Hauger and his kids from West Philly High School displayed their school-built Factory Five at The White House this past Wednesday as part of an event sponsored by President Obama’s administration entitled “Maker Faire” highlighting DIY and modern technology that enables small companies, individuals, and enthusiasts to design and build exciting products.
The event was covered extensively on The White House website and in The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal picked the Factory Five 818 (which they called “A Magic Car”) as #2 on their “The Six Wonders of Obama’s ‘Maker Faire’ Tour”. Simon’s team is also profiled in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Click here to read the story.
The entire West Philly High School tech team and the car they built.
The 818 parked just steps from The Oval Office! Photo Courtesy of The White House Press Department.
Simon and his students participate in the Maker Faire, Wednesday June 18, 2014.
Factory Five Racing sponsors West Philly High School’s EVX Program. This hybrid 818 has been measures to produce 98 MPG and will compete in next year’s Green Grand Prix. The team from West Philly has previously won the Green Grand Prix with a hybrid-powered GTM, and Simon promises that this car will do even better!
Simon in the driver’s seat of the 98 MPG Factory Five 818.
Here’s the video of President Obama recognizes the students from West Philly High School and the car that they built.
Simon Hauger meets President Obama in front of the 818 that his students built. Photo courtesy The Wall Street Journal.
Check out even more photos of the West Philly High School 818 here.