Today at Factory Five, system maintenance pushed us out of our comfort zones to tackle sidelined projects. We followed up on social media messages, reconnecting with customers like Al E. who shared his build on Instagram. Here’s a glimpse of his story:
“Well, I’m someone that has a lot of mechanical experience and knowledge, yet I felt like building the Mk4 made me learn many things that I would’ve never dared to do myself. For example, I had never painted anything before. I actually ended up connecting with Jeff Miller, who is highly respected in the Factory Five community and his work speaks for himself. At the time I couldn’t afford to get it professionally painted, so I went to Jeff’s house for multiple weekends to learn how to get the fiberglass prepped and ready for paint. I would go on a Saturday, learn from Jeff, go home to apply what I learned to my build, and repeat that for a few weekends. Eventually, I was ready, had my garage prepped to be a temporary paint booth and painted the car —came out amazing. There were many instances where I felt the Factory Five community is one of the best car communities out there hands down!”