Category: What’s New

John Pettersen's 15,000 Mile Mk3 Roadster

John Returns from Road Trip to Florida in Mk3 Factory Five's Rick Masters and customer John Pettersen catch up after John's road trip. Factory Five customer John Pettersen has just returned to Massachusetts from a trip to Florida that saw him reach the 15,000 mile mark on his Mk3 Roadster.…Read More

Back Home from London…Ohio

Cars Arrive Back Home in Wareham from London C-Car Show Every time I forget what a cool job I have, I walk around the building and take some pictures with my cell phone camera. I swear more things happen on a daily basis here. This morning, the truck arrived from…Read More

2011 London C-Car Show Report

$100,000 Raised for Cystic Fibrosis and Perfect Weather Greets Show Participants! Huge news to report this year from the annual London, Ohio C-car Show! The weather was great, the crowd was huge, and the number of replicas in attendance was about 200! The biggest news of the show was that…Read More

Website Picks Factory Five TWICE!

Best Auto-Related Father's Day Gifts and Best DIY We have to say thanks to the cool guys at for highlighting our cars twice recently. In their post "Ten outrageous Auto-Themed Father's Day Gifts," the Factory Five Mk4 Roadster was recommended as on of ten gifts for dad that are…Read More

Video of 14th Annual Factory Five Open House

Highlights from the Event with More to Come We put together a short music video of last weekend's Factory Five Open House with clips of the cars arriving, the lines for some hot dogs, the busy scratch and dent sale, warehouse tour, and of course, the car show. Check the…Read More

Factory Five Mk3 Roadster #5979 Graduates

Stunning Customer Built Roadster Hits the Road This is the second of two cars that I noticed on The Factory Five Forum (if you're not a member, you can follow the link and join up and become a member for free), and customer ThreePointTwo (call tag on the forum) built…Read More

The Blacksmith Story

How the Auto Industry Ended Our Family Craft and Resurrected It 100 Years Later I received this nice letter from Eric K. from Hadlyme, CT. Eric was at the 2011 Open House this past weekend and mentioned the story that I told about my great grandfather, so I figured that…Read More

2011 Factory Five Open House Report

Wild Weather Challenges Hardcore Factory Five Faithful The 2011 Factory Five Racing Open House will be remembered for being the first Open House in 14 years to be held in the rain. Despite the drizzle, over 50 Factory Five customers drove their cars to the Saturday event and an estimated…Read More

Factory Five Australia News

Chris Canning from Component Cars Australia Visits FFR Factory Five President Dave Smith and exclusive Australian Distributor Chris Canning Chris Canning from Component Cars Australia, our new exclusive distributor in Australia, visited the facility to check on his shipment of four Factory Fives heading down under. We took the chance…Read More

Karen Salvaggio Receives 2011 Robert Feddersen Award

Award Presented at Open House by Customer Randy Jones and FFR President Dave Smith Factory Five customer and Challenge Series racer Dr. Karen Salvaggio earned this year's Robert Feddersen Award for her contribution to the Factory Five community, her kindness and fellowship, and her huge contributions to FFR customers. Here's…Read More

Back to Work at Factory Five

Factory Five Crew Back to Full Speed After 14th Annual Open House I walked around this morning and was amazed how fast the crew was able to put things back together and get back into full-speed production following our big Open House event. Mad Dog is plowing through over 500…Read More

Project 818 Design Contest Winners

Award Winners for Factory Five-Grassroots Motorsports Contest We are proud to announce the winners of the Factory Five Racing-Grassroots Motorsports 818 Design Competition. We would like to thank all of the entries and the judges were extremely impressed with the quality of all the submissions. We would also like to…Read More

Finishing Touches for Factory Five Open House

Showroom Final Prep, Made in the U.S.A. Showroom is ready for Open House...what's under the cover? We've made some significant upgrades to the building and showroom in preparation for your 14th annual Open House. We saved the best for last, hanging our United States Flag in our showroom. Dave Smith…Read More

Factory Five Customer Charles Roybal's FFR 4372

Stunning Black Mk3 Roadster Details and Photos Factory Five customer Charles Roybal posted photos of his completed Mk3 Roadster on The Factory Five Forum. They were so cool, I asked Mad Dog to post them here. Charles writes: "I received my Mk3 on 10-19-04....that day I regressed to being a…Read More