Paint Your Factory Five with Official Colors from Sherwin Williams!
Factory Five customers benefit from a special sponsorship from Sherwin Williams Automotive Finishes and Carl’s Technical Center. We get a ton of calls asking about what colors we have painted our own Factory Five demo cars. We developed this custom line of colors as a result of years of painting cars and finding out which colors worked great.

ABOVE: The Factory Five 289 USRRC Replica was on display in Sherwin Williams Automotive Finishes 2014 SEMA booth.
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Factory Five Official Paint Colors at SEMA 2015
We launched the official line of paints at the annual SEMA Show in 2014 with our 289 USRRC Replica being featured in Sherwin Williams Automotive Finishes booth. In 2015, Power Automedia interviewed Factory Five's Dave Smith and Carl's Collision owner Carl Garcia about how we developed the colors with Sherwin Williams.
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