The Mk4 Frame & Chassis
We use an authentic 4” round tube design, and feel strongly that a quality replica should have a period correct, 4” round tube frame, just like the original legend. The tubular ladder-style frames used in the original 1960s AC cars are more than beautiful, they are representative of a period of automotive design that is legendary. We chose to use this style of frame despite the manufacturing difficulty and cost, since a huge part of a quality replica is its faithfulness to the spirit of the original cars.
While originality is very important, if the frame doesn’t perform, what good is it? We kept the design style, but used CAD technology, better materials, and more consistent manufacturing methods to make it more than twice as strong.
Since 1995, the Factory Five Roadster frame has become known for its strength and ability to protect its occupants. With over 800 welds and hundreds of individual pieces of steel, the Mk4 frame is both engineering excellence and functional automotive art. The frame is a completely welded assembly and requires no welding or cutting.
When you see Factory Five cars winning national races or lifting the tires clear off the ground, check out the “straight-as-an-arrow” frame quietly doing its job. There is no finer replica frame. Period.
Mk4 Roadster Frame
A Great Car Starts with a Great Chassis. A chassis is the foundation of the house. Today’s fourth-generation Mk4 Roadster frame has benefited from years of refinement and development. It is both lightweight (376 lbs.) and strong.
We use high-quality, precision-cut plate steel with 1010 and 1020 DOM tubing. The Mk4 frame stands head and shoulders above the original 1965 legend thanks to better tools, better materials, and modern technology. Our welded parts are made in the USA with American labor.
Our welded parts are made in the USA with American labor.
The Factory Five Mk4 frame is computer designed on Solidworks™ software using Hewlett Packard workstations.