I have two priorities here at Factory Five. The first one is to protect the health and safety of our employees and customers. The second one is to protect the long term financial health of our company. This virus brings with it a tremendous amount of uncertainty. So in the face of everything we know, and everything we don’t know, here is what we’re doing.
We have a smaller crew than normal working on site but most of our day-to-day operations are continuing without interruption. We have allowed some of our staff to work from home, and others have not returned due to health concerns and/or physical distancing requirements.
As of May 25th, we will have instituted new training procedures and enhanced protection measures required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Truth is we were already doing these measures previously, and have been ahead of State and Federal guidance thru this outbreak.
Many of you are asking about tours. In March we suspended all factory tours and have not renewed this. It is really a bummer as Summer is here and many of you are in the area to visit or vacation. We also have a brand-new showroom! But we are still closed to the public, and tours are not available. We will likely stay even more conservative than State guidelines for the near term. When we do allow guided tours here at Factory Five again, I will be the first to let you know via our website, emails, and social media.
We have initiated extreme contact pre-cautions here at work, social distancing, and hygiene requirements. We have hand sanitizer throughout the building, we are cleaning the contact surfaces in the building three times a day, and our crew is limiting movement inside the building to workstations and their cars.
All suppliers, shipping companies, and outside reps are directed to the rear entrance where they have to remain. Access to the building is granted only after successfully answering a Critical Visitor Questionnaire.
You can contact us via email at info@factoryfive.com. You can also call 508-291-3443, and leave a message. Someone will call you back promptly. Phone/reception will resume June 2, 2020.