The Factory Five show and event trailer is back in Wareham after a fun weekend at the London Cobra Show in Ohio. The crew got right to work unloading it first thing today putting the cars back in the showroom. Here’s a some photos from the morning. You can also read our recap of LCS here.
The 20th Anniversary Mk4 Roadster was a big hit with the LCS crowd.
Chris helps Jay get the Type 65 Coupe off the trailer and Dave Smith let’s Jay know where he wants it.
Chris helps Dave position the Mk4 Roadster on the tail gate.
Chris and Vinny talk with Jay while moving customer Ron Everitt’s Mk4 Roadster off the truck.
Always great to see the Factory Five show and event trailer back in our parking lot.
Chris pulling double duty driving the 289 USRRC Replica while lowering the tail gate.
The cars in front of the building before being put back in the showroom.
Vinny backs the Type 65 Coupe into the showroom.
Vinny and Dave Smith help guide Jay and the Special Edition Mk4 Roadster into the showroom.