I met Victor G. back in 2011 when he visited from Puerto Rico. Victor had already built his Mk3 and had won a good number of car show trophies on the island. Since he was visiting all the way from Puerto Rico, I spent the afternoon showing him around the building, and we took a few Factory Fives out for test drives. I posted a video of us doing some “tire durability testing” in the front circle. Click here to check it out.
The other day, Victor walks in and I immediately remembered him. Unfortunately, he was here in south eastern New England for a sad occasion to attend his son’s funeral. It was nice to catch up with him and hear how the Factory Five community in Puerto Rico has grown to over 20 cars! The crew got together and signed a Roadster painted hood for Victor.
Everyone in the company signed a painted Roadster hood for Victor.
If you scroll through “What’s New” posts on our website, you will find plenty of news about customers in Puerto Rico. I lived in Puerto Rico for five years when I was younger, and knowing that there is a vibrant and growing Factory Five community there so many years later is really special.
Thanks for visiting Victor, and on behalf of everyone at Factory Five, we send our condolences for your son.