The Christmas holiday is nearly upon us, and no day before Christmas would be complete at Factory Five without some good fun. Our tubing supplier, Sawtech, provided us with a delicious (annual) pizza lunch today, and the crew also took part in a holiday Yankee Swap. Check out some photos below and hope everyone has a fun holiday!
Jason L. almost looses his pizza to a hungry Dave C. as Joe S. tries to give a quick warning.
Special thanks to Sawtech for a huge variety of delicious pizza!
We take our pizza selection very seriously.
The entire Factory Five team enjoyed lunch together in the warehouse.
Jon D. from the welding department gives a quick thumbs up before grabbing a few slices.
The office crew evaluates the Yankee Swap stock.
Sandra drew number one and got to pick first. Decisions, decisions…
Just what Sandra always wanted!
Tony Z. is getting some envious looks as he unwraps the gift he selected.
Nate and Eddie kept everyone laughing during the event with some well timed jokes.