Factory Five Nets Huge Money for St. Jude Children's Hospital!

Factory Five customer Bob McKee built his roadster a few years ago and wanted to give back to the community. So he travelled out to meet with me and pitch me on a crazy idea. Bob is a FedEx pilot and he thought it would be cool to gather up his fellow fed ex pilots and employees and build a Factory Five car at the Fed Ex-St. Jude PGA Golf tournment!  The car would be donated outright and the profits given 100 percent to St. Jude’s Children’s hospital.  This year that dream became a reality and everyone at Factory Five was proud to lend a hand.


Factory Five also sent Tony Zullo and Fred Allen to oversee the seven day build. The money raised when the car is auctioned off will help the children and families of St. Jude hospital.  The kids who come to St. Jude are suffering from life-threatening childhood illnesses such as cancer and sickle cell disease. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall survival rate for childhood cancer from 20% when the hospital opened in 1962 to more than 80% today. Your donations make a difference in the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases.


Factory Five customer Bob McKee organized the MK4 seven day build with the help of dedicated FedEx pilots and St. Jude patients. The FedEx pilots raised nearly $50,000 in donation for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The Mk4 kit was built at the 2015 FedEx St. Jude Classic PGA Tour event in Memphis, TN on the historical golf course. The finished MK4 was autographed by Fabian Gomez, the winner of the PGA Golf Tournament. The car will be auctioned at the Barrett Jackson Show in West Palm Beach, FL in April.


Get your bid ready when the hammer drops at the auction as they hope to raise another 6 figures. Help St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital change the way the world treats childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. Click here to donate today.


Click here to view more photos from the week-long build.

All of the employees at Factory Five Racing are excited to sponsor the St. Jude’s event with a Factory Five Mk4 Roadster kit.  Factory Five employees Tony Zullo and Fred Allen were at the event assisting with the build.