Ron Everitt is a good friend of mine and has built numerous Factory Fives from his shop in Shrewsbury, MA. Ron’s son, Ron Jr., is serving in Afghanistan with US Marine Corps Combat Logistics Company Regiment Two, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force. Ron Jr’s crew are all car guys and asked if they could get a Factory Five banner to put up. Everyone at Factory Five signed it and we sent it off with our sincere thanks.
The other day we received this e-mail from Ron Jr. showing his Marine Company flying the flag with one of the largest items they work on.
Factory Five customer Ron Everitt’s Mk3 Roadster at the 2013 Huntington Beach Cruise-In.
On behalf of everyone at Factory Five, huge thanks to Ron Jr., the US Marine Corps Combat Logistics Company Regiment Two, and all of the men and women serving in the US Armed Forces for protecting our rights to life, liberty, and the high-speed pursuit of happiness!
Dave Smith