From Online Forum Blogs to Track Pictures, FFR Customer Jeff K. Shares His Stories
Factory Five customer Jeff K. from Bloomington, IN is, as he describes, “not a waxer.” He drives his cars hard and spends a lot of time on the Factory Five customer forums sharing his experience, expertise, and stories. Jeff has posted an online blog detailing his bodywork on his Mk4 Roadster. He also has an online build thread for his Factory Five Mk4 #7276. Back in 2008, he finished a Mk3 Roadster, #5946 and documented that experience as well.
The Factory Five community is great because of guys like Jeff who share their experiences and help others build their cars. Thanks for the great posts and congrats on the good work!
Dave Smith
Factory Five
“This is on a hard fast right hand sweeper under acceleration. I had changed rear springs to free up the back end and this photo verifys what I was feeling. The tire deflection shows that the car is hard on the left rear while turning right but the front wheel position indicates that I was steering left, adding some opposite input to keep it in check. “