Special All Factory Five Issue on Newsstands Now
When Mark Houlahan (former editor of Modified Mustangs and Fords Magazine) and the crew at Interlink Source Media came to me with the idea of an all Factory Five edition of Kit Car Magazine, I thought it was a pretty cool idea. Truth is, you could write an entire magazine on what we’ve done in the last two years!
After submitting ideas for stories and looking at recent changes in our cars, we came up with about 250 pages of editorial. Mark was able to crush down the content and stuff it into a HUGE Factory Five annual issue of Kit Car Magazine.
This was a fun project to work on and it gave us a chance to let the world know what we and our customers have been up to. The magazine will be on the newsstands for the next few months and we hope you pick up a copy.
On the cover: Pro photographer Eric English risked life and limb on a Seattle highway to capture FFR customer Hank Fisher with his son Justin of Mukilteo, WA driving their orange Factory Five Mk3 next to FFR customer Brian Fouts of Fall City, WA in his red Mk3 Roadster on rare sunny day in the Pacific Northwest.
Features include a great story on the 2011 Huntington Beach Cruise-In, a beautiful profile of FFR customer Keith Bentzel’s Gen 1 GTM, and profiles on the Mk4 Roadster, Gen 2 GTM, and Gen 2 Type 65 Coupe. Editor Mark Houlahan wrote an excellent article on registration and titling requirements as well as a comprehensive history of his own personal build.
This special Factory Five annual edition of Kit Car Magazine will be on sale until November 1st, 2011, so go out and grab your copy today.