It has been just over one year since Vijay and his family finished their build. He says, “Our Factory Five Roadster has brought us nothing but smiles and good memories. My wife and I took it on a 300-mile road trip around Arizona for our 10-year anniversary, my son and I took it on an 800-mile road trip to the London Cobra Show and back, and this spring, we’re planning to bring it back home to FFR Headquarters in Wareham as part of an over 1,000-mile trip from the DC area to drive up the Mt. Washington Auto Road in New Hampshire!”

Vijay went through a big move in the last year and says, “Speaking of the DC area, since moving here, I took my son on the Capital Area Cobra Club’s annual Frostbite Cruise, spending the day driving in the sub-freezing temperatures with a wonderful crowd of Cobra owners around our nation’s capital.”

For Vijay, his wife, and his son, Remy, this car is a vessel. “I’ve found that this car has been all about connections. First, I began with simply connecting the parts, which was extremely rewarding in itself. In so doing, I began a unique connection with my son, as we created something new together as an expression of ourselves. Finally, I’ve developed connections with the car community, which has introduced us to a wonderful group of new friends.

I can’t wait to see what the next year of roadster ownership brings!”

Read more about Vijay’s build here: www.factoryfive.com/whats-new/father-son-vijay-and-remy-mk4

Photography by Gustavo Moser