“Take away my people and leave my factories and grass will soon grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories and leave me my people, and we will build new and better factories.”
Andrew Carnegie
The people who work every day at Factory Five are some of the most talented, hard-working, and kind people I’ve ever known. While our cars are really amazing and well-engineered, and while I am justifiably proud of our 30 years of race wins, industry accolades, and the huge FFR community we’ve helped build… it is the quality of my coworkers that makes this company so special.
Come visit us and from the very moment you walk in the front door, you’ll immediately know you are in a different kind of company. Ours is a place where you are greeted like family or a close friend, and ALL of us understand what an honor it is to have your trust to build your “once-in-a-lifetime” car!
Happy Tuesday from all of us on the Factory Five crew!
Dave Smith

Happy Tuesday from the Factory Five crew!